Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 73 (alittle late)

Gigi's storefront


Kathryn rocking the Canteen Girls' Necklette amd Goldie's
Inside of Gigi's Mode
Great corset designed by The Canteen Girls
Canteen Girls jewelry
Canteen Girls display
Canteen Girls jewelry
Beverly-Gigi Mode's owner
Day 73-Gigi's Mode

I could not really maintain this blog over the summer because of my schedule...A "gold-plated" problem, but I am finding some time now, so here it goes. I wanted to share an amazing boutique with you (just in time for the holidays). It's called Gigi's Mode and it is amazing!!! They have something for everyone (from 5.00 to 150.00) they are so helpful and they gift wrap (this is a HUGE deal to me as I don't like to wrap gifts) I have been there numerous times and feel that I have NEVER seen everything. They also carry a couple of lines that I am in love with...the first being The Canteen Girls (one of my favorite photography clients) and Kid Rock's Made in Detroit line (very cool) I have taken a few photos of some of the great items now available...I especially LOVE the 'Goldies' that the lovely Kathryn is modeling (thank you Kathryn) The 'Goldies' are a hot item this season, people are coming from all over to purchase them (I have a pair and I LOVE them) If you want to find some really untique and fun items, go visit the ladies at Gigi's Mode in Plymouth (and tell them Shi said hello)!!! Until tomorrow...or the next day...Shi

Gigi's Mode
960 W. Ann Arbor Trail #1
Plymouth, MI. 48170

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 71

Day 72
Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts.
-Rita May Brown
Awesome signs of spring everywhere. I love spring, especially this year, it's been a long, hard winter. Adios winter!!! Dad is home for a few days for his treatments. Please keep my dad in your prayers, he has not been feeling well. Cancer sucks!!!
Until Tomorrow,

Day 70

This mother was amazing. She was blind, walking with 3 children and they were laughing and joking and having a wonderful time. I LOVE HER SPIRIT!!!
This is where my camera's in the hospital...I miss it!!!

Day 70

It is well to give when asked but it is better to give unasked, through understanding.
-Kahlil Gibran

The vertigo is back...Ugh!!! My camera is in the hospital (the mirror came loose) and is being repaired.

Until Tomorrow,

Day 69

The silo by my studio
Inside the silo by my studio
The water pump behind my studio
A lost horse shoe in the horse paddock behind my studio
Day 69
Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.
-Charles M. Schultz
A great day at the studio, but have not been feeling very well...Ugh...I love it at the studio, especially now that it's getting warm and GORGEOUS out!!!
Until Tomorrow,

Day 68

Quint totally rocks his fro...
One of the MMA fighters...this is the only photo I was able to get of the fighters as it was unbelievably dark and the little G-11 was not up to the task.
Our view of the fighting ring before the fights.
Day 68
It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.
-Mark Twain
Ty, Shannon and Quinton (dear friends from MANY MOONS AGO) took Mark and I to the MMA fights in Lansing Saturday. It was a blast. We also went to an awesome Thai restaurant before the fights...YUM!!! It was a great night with great friends, I only wish I had been able to take my SLR to the fights instead of my wasn't powerful enough in the low light. Ahhhh, live and learn.

Until Tomorrow,

Day 67

The rear view mirror of the old mail jeep at my studio
Great sticker on the old mail jeep
Light on the mail jeep
Day 67
The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.
-Bret Harte
I am loving the weather. I cannot wait until I have a few minutes to spare to go to Kensington Park (one of my favorite places in the universe) The birds are all building their nests and life is good!!!
Until Tomorrow,

Day 66

Metal daisy sculpture...signs of spring!!!
Top of an old gate...I couldn't help it it was warm out and I just thought it was cute!!!

Day 66

Every mile is two in winter.
-George Herbert

By George, you are right. I am so happy there are signs of spring everywhere. I am enjoying the weather (and working too much) to take the time to photograph things...Sorry for the missing blogs, I have been busy, sick and fighting a defective router at my home...
Until Tomorrow,